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Our mission is to inspire a transition to a natural lifestyle by providing products that are good for you and the environment. From skincare and cleaning products to home decor and kitchen essentials, we have everything you need to make the switch to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. We take pride in our selection of non-toxic and eco-friendly products, and we are constantly researching and testing our new products to ensure the highest quality for our customers.




Welcome to Salt + Sage Co.! Our goal is to provide our customers with environmentally-friendly products that are both beneficial for their health and the planet. We are passionate about reducing waste and promoting sustainability, which is why we encourage the use of reusable vessels and strive to minimize the use of one-time plastics.  Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener world, one product at a time.

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We understand that transitioning to a non-toxic, sustainable lifestyle can seem daunting at first. That’s why we offer a wide range of carefully curated products to make it easy and accessible for you to make those changes. 

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Clean Living Education

At Salt + Sage Co., we believe that non-toxic and sustainable living should be accessible to everyone. That's why we are creating a blog to share our knowledge and expertise on affordable ways to switch to a more holistic lifestyle even if that doesn't mean purchasing something from us. We strive to educate people on what to avoid when it comes to harmful chemicals and toxins in products, and provide helpful tips on alternative options for a cleaner and healthier home environment. Join us on our journey towards a more sustainable future!

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